Monday, March 23, 2015

Just a draft

Crafting development is coming along. Since the 3/20 update, the following tasks have been completed on my test server in addition to bugfixes:

  • "crafting specs" sub-command complete *
  • "crafting spec major" and "crafting spec minor" sub-commands complete *
  • "crafting recipes" sub-command complete *
  • added new recipe draft functionality: basically an overflow recipe slot which, when a player's recipe list is full, allows her to "rescue" the most recent recipe that would be discarded otherwise
* complete = tested, fully functional, and unlocked to mortals

Work is now progressing on the scribe, discard, and study sub-commands.

On a separate note, thank you for all of the class discussion feedback under the Class Concerns post! Please keep posting if you have further feedback. I will be reading and collating this week, and I'll put together a follow-up post which will include a summary, a discussion of my thoughts on your feedback, and an opportunity for you to continue the dialog with responses to those thoughts.

As I mentioned online, I truly appreciate you contributing your thoughts, and I am considering putting together a special temporary-use reward for all constructive participants (in the form of a recipe which would be useful for a short time during the crafting roll-out - nothing really powerful, just a fun way of saying thanks).

Thanks for playing and chatting!


  1. Hey Whim, didn't want to clutter the class balance discussion with something that is essentially non-related, but the one thing I'd really love to see is a toggle run-time option.

    The idea behind it would be simple enough, players could toggle run-time on or off. When run-time is toggled off, experience gain will not activate a new phase of run time and a player will earn experience/gold as if he has run out of run-time phases (i.e. at 10% of normal rates). If run-time is toggled off while a phase is still active (i.e. a run time decrement is counting down) then that phase will continue to count down but once it is done further experience gain won't trigger the next phase.

    There are a couple of reasons why I feel this feature/option would help:

    1. Right now doing invasions eats up run time phases but does not provide a corresponding benefit (i.e. the platinum rewards for invasions do not scale with run time) therefore it would be a waste to spend 45 minutes on an invasion even for 12-13k plats, and worse if the invasion goes badly and you end up with 2-3k plats or something.

    2. PK and Pdeath now provides experience, which is nice, but also unfortunately means that it activates run time. So someone could be standing around waiting for a zone to run their 200%, and if they get killed the run time would activate and they'd effectively waste parts of it regenning. Of course this is worse when it comes to 'wars' where the stronger side could conceivably waste significant portions of the weaker side's run time.

    3. Running equipment or loaders is also another situation where run time is inadvertently used up.

    All in all I think having a toggle would be a fairly nice quality-of-life style option. I don't think it would be very exploitable, but would certainly improve things for players.



  2. I would certainly LOVE a toggle. This is the second idea I've agreed with Iblis on. I'm going to make a doctor's appointment, I think I may have the flu.

    In all seriousness, as I've been spending the past few days running loaders, toggling run-time would be awesome, since I obviously don't want to use 200% on loaders themselves.

  3. I've skipped many invasions due to runtime 200% ..would be nice to have a toggle or at least have special events that doesnt trigger them...invasions/citadels

    - Thing

  4. I agree for sure as well about a toggle xp/gold sort of thing to allow people to not have to choose between invasions/pk/running for their runtime right when it's available

    1. A toggle to PK runtime is a bad idea, you already get incentives to stop running and PK through the reward system.

    2. i don't get why toggle runtime to PK is even a bad idea...srsly...


    3. Why should you be able to double dip from PvE and PvP reward systems? The needs to only be for things like invasion and EQ bosses.

  5. We can all agree this is something we'd like to see. :)
