Friday, March 20, 2015

First Look

The "crafting" command will go live tonight. In addition to the base command (which lists the full set of sub-commands, a few of which have changed since the last blog entry), you'll initially have access to the "crafting score" sub-command to play with, as well as the "crafting appraise" sub-command (which won't tell you much about anything that's not a crafted item).

It looks small, but it's much huger than it looks - underneath the slow tease of the "crafting" command, the actual infrastructure for crafting 3.0 is being deployed onto live Nodeka for the first time! The toys are there, I just need to keep the chest locked a little longer while I polish, fix, and sand off the edges. =)

In addition, the "boons" command is now accessible as well. This lets you take a look at the boons and set bonuses that you (or another person) are receiving from gear. This of course ties into crafted items, but the boon/set functionality is a complete system of its own - if time permits I may toss out a few very minor, temporary example items onto live to show you what it all looks like while you wait for crafting. =)

Finally, I've updated the wounding algorithm as follows:
  • An "upshift" has been added to the stat calculations for smaller players - weaker characters won't be penalized quite as heavily when applying/resisting wounds against larger players.
  • The role of dexterity (for applying wounds) and constitution (for resisting wounds) has been strongly increased for larger players. These stats will now impact your wound interactions more effectively.
  • NPCs are now harder to wound than before. (Note that if the mob's constitution is very low compared to your dexterity, the dex/con boost may mitigate or even overtake this effect.) However, their resistance to wounding damage has been reduced - they now suffer 75% of the normal bleed rather than 50%.

The overall effect should be to make wounding more viable for smaller characters and as a tool against certain NPCs.

Questions and comments are welcome as always - I'll continue to develop crafting in the meantime. We'll have a bit of a class balance discussion sometime in the near future as well - keep your eyes open!


  1. Are schematics going to be changed, since they included (at least at the major level) gemstones related to crafting? Blue Zircons and Jasper Crescents if my memory is right.

    Is Sanvestra going to be 'useless' now, as well as the crafting guild in av? I don't remember this being addressed, do you have a sort of idea as to how we'll be 'gathering' the crafting tools?

  2. If you're referring to the existing light-source schematics - those will most likely be altered or removed, as they were balanced around crafting 2.0 levels of power.

    San'vestra will be taking a vacation, and the crafting guild will be altered as well. I haven't announced the "gathering" aspect just yet. =)
