Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's alive

Krijjkar now resides in a cozy corner next to Commandant Vai-shan, and he's willing to sell you the first wave of inscriptions in exchange for Ruushi faction. =)

Keep in mind that the list is far from complete - I will be adding more inscriptions to his list in the near future. (I have a few other things to work on first - a feature for demigods, Fields of Guidance, and the remaining Invasion rewards - but they're coming.) So make sure you read up on the helpfiles and think twice before buying an inscription, if you can't spare the sun stones to respec!

If you have any questions about the system, feel free to ask in the comments section of this entry. =) Thanks, folks!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


The first Krijjkar setup (19 inscriptions to start, with more coming soon to fill out the gaps) is ready to go live. The reboot will probably be later today sometime - I do want to write the helpfiles before I make it live, since purchasing an inscription is a bit of a commitment. And as much as I'd like to start on those helpfiles this very minute, my body is insisting on scrounging up a bit of sleep first. =)