Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's alive

Krijjkar now resides in a cozy corner next to Commandant Vai-shan, and he's willing to sell you the first wave of inscriptions in exchange for Ruushi faction. =)

Keep in mind that the list is far from complete - I will be adding more inscriptions to his list in the near future. (I have a few other things to work on first - a feature for demigods, Fields of Guidance, and the remaining Invasion rewards - but they're coming.) So make sure you read up on the helpfiles and think twice before buying an inscription, if you can't spare the sun stones to respec!

If you have any questions about the system, feel free to ask in the comments section of this entry. =) Thanks, folks!


  1. What do "daze" and "paralyze" refer to in the inscription helpfiles? If they refer to spartan grapple and petrify affects, are they also subject to the same resist/failure chance of the base abilities? Would they benefit from % training in the base abilities? Thank you.

  2. The same impairments as spartan grapple and petrify, yes. Any resist/failure chance would be inscription-specific. If the inscription says it just works, then it probably just works (barring immunity impairment). =)

  3. The accolades? You including titles as well in them? As well as the rp gained from getting titles ( was 50 each one in old invasion ). Or how is it gonna be done?

  4. Accolades are the old Invasion titles. There are five progressive accolades (Ally of Ruushi, Ogre Smasher, Eminent Warden, Sworn Defender, Sentinel of the Stone City), and they will be purchased with faction. (You do not have to repurchase any accolade already earned under the old Invasion system.) Purchasing them will grant the same RP as they gave in the old system. Higher accolades will translate into a greater chance for bonus loot at the end of an Invasion (the "spoils of war" feature). =)

  5. It's been 3 months since you have updated on here sir. Where's all the news?

    - Reignleif
