Monday, June 7, 2010

Sumer Is Icumen In

... and it brings with it good tidings and mad updates. =)

Things have been hectic recently, but my vacation officially starts next week, and with it comes the next towering wave of major updates (finally!) and some new tidbits to chew on. In addition to new online content, I'll be moving forward with an idea that's been kicking around for a while - a "featured question" article (probably every two weeks or so) in which I'll select and answer one burning player-provided question regarding Nodeka and its mechanics.

My apologies for the recent real-life-imposed break; thankfully, it's summertime, so bring on the parties! (Someone in Ruushi needs to invent the hot dog.)


  1. Oh yay!Was beginning to think the evil monster of RL had swallowed you and you couldn't reach for the dagger to cut your way out. ;)

    My suggested question: What's the order of damage reduction, and maybe which ones don't/stack? Like, I vaguely remember hearing that Armor Class reduced physical damage smaller than the value by 20%, Physical Resistance(if it kicks in) does the same(Elemental Resistance reducing the elemental damage by 50%), NR is a flat reduction(before or after other damage reduction? Hence the question about order and stacking), Immunity reduces all damage of the type to 1(per hit, so multi-attack skills/spells will still do "tickling", since apparently 5 is the maximum number of attacks in said skills/spells?) Also, that the system randomly picks the attribute that gets described(deflected=AC/resisted=Resistance, etc.).

    Or I guess, a question to which I have only the vaguest of ideas: What does Difficult To Hit actually do? I know it's not a flat 1%=1% chance to miss, or Ta'anhi Disciples/Overlords and Marauders would be invulnerable in combat. Syveril suggested that it might be a form of pseudo-evasion(ie, a different message from a straight miss, Dodge, Parry, or Evade), I figure maybe it's a flat 1%=1% increase on the base chance to miss. That is, there's a fixed, say 5%(1 per 20) chance for any one attack to miss in Nodeka, so if for example, you have 100% DTH, you will be missed 10%(1 per 10) of the time. Anyone have any better mechanics questions than these?

    2 questions:
    A: All the various things that affect combat damage reduction.
    B: WTH is DTH?

  2. I'm about to accuse someone of misquoting me. I think I've explained difficult to hit about a dozen times over the years, but none of those explanations have included an implication that it even remotely parallels dodge/parry/evasion.

  3. No, you did mention something about an imp in Hades and something about the lightning once, I think. So it's not so much a misquote as maybe a misremember. :P
