Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Featured Questions #1

And here we go! As promised, I will be selecting some interesting player-submitted questions regarding Nodeka and answering them for you in this regularly updated article. For now, we'll say that Featured Questions will run every other Tuesday, and I'll modify that in the future if necessary =).

If you have any questions you'd like to see answered in upcoming articles, please don't hesitate to ask (either in the comments section of this blog, or via e-mail). The questions below are quoted as submitted, edited slightly for grammar and spelling.

This week's Featured Questions:

What does Difficult To Hit actually do?

Difficult to hit is a simple, strong mechanic. Whenever it triggers, it reduces the hit bonus of the attacker by a certain amount, making you... difficult to hit. =)

- Crafted items level
What/how does the item level outcome work? Is it better to use Tier 3 materials for the primary component and Tier 1 components for the secondary, rather than using Tier 1 materials for the primary and Tier 3 for the secondary?

This is correct. Crafted items have a primary component and a secondary component; these classifications correspond to the material which you need more and less of respectively. While both components contribute to the power level of the crafted item, the primary component has a greater influence.

- What abilities do gemstones have besides the only one truly verified (Transform one bonus to another)? (Example: increase chance of inspirations, add levels, something else ) ?

- Does using multiple gemstones of the same type do anything for the crafted item?

- Is there a system to gemstones that can be 'figured out', like there is with components and bonuses using the (quest action, crafting) list?

The set of currently available gemstones can be divided into several different categories, each of which increases the power of (or transforms) the resulting crafted item in various ways. While every gemstone has the potential to improve the craft on its own, the greatest benefits can only be attained through combining certain gemstone categories together.

Using multiple gemstones of the same name does not *currently* do anything to improve the craft.

There is, of course, a system that can be figured out, as with any of Nodeka's various mechanics. The crafting system, as a whole, has only two elements of randomness to it - the chance to gain a tech when crafting with a new material, and the chance for an inspiration. No other aspects of crafting utilize random rolls of any kind.


  1. Ahh, so Difficult To Hit has been sorta doing what Regional Deception/Stealth were implemented with in recent times. That sorta makes sense. I dunno if this qualifies as another question, or just a request for clarification. It's a % of the attacker's Hit value, rather than a fixed value, right?

  2. Inscriptions:

    Why does upgrading cipher: cyclopean riddle from tier 1 to tier 2 use more inscriptions slots and not over write the tier 1 slot?

  3. Whim: subclasses.

    Some subclasses just seem fairly outdated these days, do you have any plans on revisiting those soon?

    Ex: oracle, arcane witch, Furied Aylakia , vision guild, off the top of my head.

    Maybe Oracle could gain the ability to bypass !distant magic. Vision guild could get maybe that area spy turned into a charge based prevent ( i love those abilities, they are just fairly limited in use due to prevent ).

    Furied Valk get's 2 fury's. It's not quite up to par with the other subclasses for valk.

  4. Furied Valk looks just plain ridiculous when you realise that Poliirs get Fury as a mortal. One of those *head desk* moments. Mist Warrior is another class that sounds cooler than it is. I know Whim said he wasn't going to do subclasses till the Scar is done, so maybe just post suggestions on what you think can be done with the classes, hammer out the kinks, and then forward to Whim?

  5. Thanks for further insight on the crafting process.

    What is the upper bound for the number of inspirations per craft?

    Is there an upper bound for number of inspirations per gemstone?

    For multiple inspirations, such as 2 major inspirations on one craft, and fixing focus on one improved attribute say melee or speed, is the second bonus compounded on the first bonus, or is it the improvment calculated from the base bonus of the item created?

    Stated differently: consider an item with the attribute of speed, can a minor major and divine inspiration be fixated on speed and the final product be greater than 3 times the speed of the base creation?

    Thanks for more insight.

  6. re: furied valkyries

    While I agree that it's not a terribly exciting class, I don't think the comparison to mortal poliirs is a particularly enlightening. Poliirs don't get impairment, whereas a valkyrie could bust out one of her songs, prayer of gods disfavor, >alluring grace< and bust down two furies.

    And for the argument that burst damage is irrelevant, my entire class begs to differ.

  7. Anonymous - Inspirations add to the "level" of the crafted item, and thus increase all bonuses in the item. The amount of inspiration you get is either minor, major or divine. There is no way to get "two major inspirations" on a craft-- I believe you are confusing the inspiration mechanic with the unique mechanic.

  8. Syv:

    5k worth of damage for 20 minutes worth of prevents or something along those lines?

    That burst damage is irrelevant. Don't forget you better only be using those furies in the citadel and not in a room with mobs.

  9. Odinn: I guess it depends on your target (I've been hit for more damage by valkyries, especially while beguiled) and how much confidence you have in the "no new combat with NPC's" mechanic.

  10. Hmm you did say use fury after being in combat... I just don't have confidence in those 2 furies.

    Shame there's no big valks to test that :)

  11. It would be nice to see the sub classes which are not played, or minimally played updated first.
