Monday, May 18, 2009

I haz a flavor

Some abilities are developed from a function-based core ("this class doesn't have a spammable attack - let's give it one"), while others are designed more from a thematic, flavorful standpoint ("man, nojohrs should be able to slap down a whole GROUP of chumps"). The best ones (from a how-fun-is-it-to-design standpoint) are a mixture of both.

I know I've got a flavor-leaning ability on my hands when I realize I'm having way too much fun writing the output, hehe.

You formulate a plan - block the pointy bits.
You formulate a plan - yell louder.


  1. Ive got pointy bits that need blocking- erm, great new ability. Very interesting, except for that whole letting Kalsey beat me to a pulp just to try it out :)

  2. Can I ask, is any of this lag and the discon's through lag anything to do with the new things being implemented in the game?

    Is anything being done to address the issue if it is nothing to do with present updates?

  3. Please update us on the lag issue! And please continue to beat on Odinn!
