Clairvoyance provides the greatest number of charges, but is the least reliable.
Astral travel provides fewer charges, but also applies an 'astral link' which very briefly allows casters to summon through no-portal rooms.
Shadow gaze is an area spy on a standard prevention, and is undetectable.
Oh, and Koj'ehr get bonus clairvoyance and astral travel charges thanks to 'distant understanding'. =)
The benefits of, and reasoning behind, this change include:
- Reduces the ease with which a PvP target may be "locked down". Redesigning the scrying abilities to be area-limited means that hunting down a specific person (especially in no-visit areas) requires actual effort and movement (whereas previously a single charge from a spybot would do, without even requiring a pause in running).
- Indirectly increases the value of hunting skills (such as shadow) and of ancillary detection skills (such as aspect of the seer and skyline interchange).
- Reduces the redundancy of utility provided by multiple casters. (Previously, having one spybot sharply reduced the value of further spiers.)
I had originally planned a targeted class discussion first (hi monks!), but we wanted to get this implemented and delivered to you first. Please feel free to discuss in the comments, as I swing back to individual classes and crafting.
Thanks for your feedback, patience, and encouragement - and thanks for playing!