Friday, December 19, 2014

Crafting 3.0 Q&A

Thanks for all of your crafting feedback, folks! In the month since the last entry, I've gone back and refined the 3.0 design, poking at it with your perspectives in mind and with a few new ideas of my own - I am VERY excited about this system, and I'm hoping you all get as much joy out of the exploration as I have out of the design. I'm in the very early stages of coding right now.

I'd prefer to keep my crafting beans primarily unspilled, but I will very briefly answer some of your questions from comments and email since the last post:

1. PK mixed with crafting? Yes.

2. Items transferrable? Yes.

3. Stones/marbles as crafting currency? Not planned, but sun stones will allow for respecs.

4. Specializations? Yes.

5. Forced into crafting? No-ish. Crafted gear won't provide stat boosts as large as in 2.0. However, there needs to be a reason and incentive to craft. "Forced" is partly mindset. You can buy gear from crafters.

6. Obfuscated formulae? Not as obfuscated as 2.0. However, understand that a sense of discovery is important.

7.  Auction house? Not planned, trade channel for now. Someone could always set up a trading forum on compose. =)

8. Existing gear/Ruushi overlap. Yes, definitely some overlap with Ruushi gear (which I think is still a bit overly strong even post-nerf).

9. One size shouldn't fit all? Noted. The shape of the old 2.0 system is due in part to expediency (because of the underlying structure, adding class-specific gear would have massively inflated certain portions of the system). In the past month's revision of the new 3.0 system, I've worked in more distinction.

10. Materials/inventory/bank? This is a good point. I don't have a solid plan for this yet. The 3.0 system is rather different from 2.0, so I'd like to see how it plays out before devoting design/imp to it.

11. High barrier/investment and reliance on others? Noted and agreed. The trick is to leverage that aspect (which makes crafting valuable) without providing impossible barriers to entry for future crafters.

12. Crafting bags? Not planned at this time, easy to add if future behavior indicates this would be desirable.

The questions I haven't addressed above relate to aspects I'd like to keep in my pocket for now. =) There's nothing quite like the kick I get out of seeing people unravel the mystery of a fresh new system!

1 comment:

  1. Just a few things:

    1. While I understand that there being distinction is a good thing, at the same time I wonder if this won't increase the already sizable fighter-caster divide. Right now most casters have issues competing with fighters in terms of run speed/damage output. I may be jumping the gun a bit here, but I hope that casters won't be denied access to comparable hit/dam gear as fighters.

    2. Now that crafted is going the permanent-gear route, are there any plans for Ruushi to evolve into permanent-gear too or will it remain duration-based as it is now?
