Friday, October 9, 2009

A steady hand

The latest update is pretty self-explanatory. =) Speed, at least at high values, is now tied somewhat to dexterity - if you're superloaded on speed but completely skimping on dexterity, you'll start to notice the attack degradation. Only speed-based attacks beyond your dexterity-based "steady attack" cap are affected - having more speed is never a liability. The benefit simply scales down if your dexterity is too far behind.

At the current numbers, the change should be mild for anyone who isn't on the crazy side of imbalanced (say, rocking 1000 speed while augmenting their dexterity down to 200). In addition, the renown additions will provide a constant 5% boost to your incoming xp and gold from now on once you've accumulated renown up to the base of 500. (Assuming, of course, that you don't get pkilled!)

Questions are welcome, as always. It's a super busy time for me - back to work!


  1. Would this mean its harder for classes that rely more on speed-attacks? and for spell-casters who focus on willpower to be more powerful now?

  2. I think the testing must have been extensive with respect to the balance between dexterity and speed within each class. That's probably why paladins picked up dexterity -- it turns out that they needed it.

    If we're lucky, ninjas will pick up dexterity, too! *crosses fingers* Maybe an uncapped joufu's arc? *inno*

  3. maybe whispering wind and hakanai shouten on different prevens? :P

  4. We're usually rocking 600 Dexterity or so, what with race(usually 50+?), the piddly 36 from Arc, and in bigger fights, around 250+ if you are crazy/willing to stack Hakanai and Formation. What we REALLY need is some +Speed. :P

  5. Stacking anteis is not "usually rocking". Why are you so crazy, Fenulia? Does your formation even last more than 16 seconds?

    I just think ninjas as a base class should have more dexterity, which is a simple opinion. Pointing to crafted gear is like if reign of resistance were capped at 36 NR, and when you suggest that maybe it needs to scale with stats, I say "see help crafted EQ". It's just rude.

    If you say something like "no, ninjas don't deserve dex", then at least you're addressing the issue. Anyway, I don't really care that deeply. I'm just irked at outlandish/nonresponsive replies.

  6. I agree that stacking antei's is not a real viable option for gaining the dex.

    Joufu's arc should be uncapped in regards to dexterity. While I personally do not agree with this change for the sake of some classes I will say that ninja's are one of the few if not only class that should be able to have the crazy 1k speed and still have some high dexterity so they can land those attacks.

    If we are going about things in a unique way, then for ninja's to be able to have more dexterity AND loads of speed would make perfect sense.

    Monk's are not really affected by this change( we have like a billion non-speed attacks), most of the pure caster classes weren't affected( with regards to PK, no smart fallad goes out with 800 speed to PK ).

    I am hopeful that in the near future casters attacks will be more directly affected by wisdom/intellect than they are. Though I am told with 450 int/wis sixth sense really starts to shine, regardless of that if all of the stat related changes seems to really affect fighters, we should start to see some stats affecting casters.

    I don't mean I want to see if Str > int/wis then caster = crud, I want to see if int/wis are high then add 5% damage. Ofcourse exclude those pesky warlocks :)

  7. From what I remembered, casters are supposed to be able to do the same amount of damage continuously casting spells as a fighter would using a spammable attack+his round's attacks. Currently, what we're seeing seems to be the wrong extremes, where some casters have ridiculously accurate attacks combined with high spell damage, while some fighter classes are able to stack really high +Strength/+Damage to far outstrip the caster's damage, even before throwing in spammables(making spammables' damage % based and less directly affected by straight +Damage is a good first step towards addressing this).

    I admit, "rocking it" is not really the right term. Maybe part of the problem with formation's balance is that it's a large number of attacks(easily +33% more attacks), coupled with a decent amount of +Dex, which of course makes it harder to justify increasing the duration/reducing the prevention without people complaining that it makes Ninjas OP. However, is this really that much different(in terms of result, rather than application, which is much different) from Monks using Mantis Stance to get miniature bursts of extra attacks every couple seconds? Not forgetting that Mantis itself grants straight +Hit, as opposed to the roughly +20 Hit from the +Dexterity(total +170 Hit for Ninja with 300 Wisdom), the comparison is inevitable. I'm not asking for formation to come out in mini auto-bursts(that would be a step backwards to where Ninjas were a sometimes sub-par fusion of Monk and Footpad), but perhaps formation itself could be relooked at in terms of how it balances against the stance(and against other similar short-term bonus attack powers, like the Poliir thing, and I think Ephemeral Discord of Speed, although the latter should be a lot less effective in light of the change above.

    tl;dr version: Joufu's Arc should probably be uncapped though. Having that +36 Dex just seems so cruel with so many other classes running around with +100s to a few stats. Admittedly, many of those classes also spend more time buffing, and they suffer harder when faded/striked to remove these buffs, but then strike takes off waaay too little to debuff when so many buffs are lasting 20-30 minutes.

  8. Hi, I'm a paladin with 500+ speed and 400 or so dex. With 5% renown, my running rates are about the same. Seems harsh.

    Hi, I'm a paladin and these are my holy tears.

  9. firstly,let me start by saying that i don't like this dex's forcing me to change my constitution gear to dex gear...and it's making me miss attacks i would normally make...
    with that being said, i can see why it was implemented...people going around stacking full speed/dam gear and busting out 25 attacks or so for massive damage...but for balance sake, shouldn't dex also affect casters?? *if dex < willpower+int+wis/3 then damage + accuracy = less*...i've seen some games where casters need dex for casting speed + accuracy of spells...why is dex only "tied" to speed and not to caster type stats as well??...and for the life of me, i can't seem to figure out why paladins are the only class to get a dex buff when they already have one...i'm rocking a marauder with 0 dex buffs yet i don't get any...makes my +400 hit look pretty crappy when i miss so many of my attacks because of my LACK of dex :(


  10. Any chance of getting another update?:)

  11. Coming soon, later this week! =)
