Saturday, July 25, 2009

Take a number!

I've spent the past week's development time writing and refining a single block of Scar AI code, about 1000 lines in total. In terms of quantity, that's mighty slow work. In terms of functionality, however, it's vital stuff which will make the event run much more smoothly.

The Invasion (that one-weekend diversion) ended up being a valuable lesson in many respects, especially in terms of designing an interface (through mobs such as Christof and Vai-shan) that's efficient and easy to use. (Remember the first few days when Vai-shan would constantly cancel the reward process mid-speech?) A lot of these lessons learned contributed quite a deal to the Scar redesign; these 1000 lines are part of that.

I'll try to have a class update for you (most likely one of: valkyrie, monk, druid, or witch) early next week, probably Monday, just so y'all don't feel too neglected while I pour all of my time into Scar code.


  1. Looking forward to class updates just before the deadline. Thanks for the hard work. I have found monk to be far more interesting to play, but despite tons of practices and changing crafted gear.. i seem to hold amazingly steady in running rates (i.e. pre stance change, pre radical change, pre-stance of symmetry the ppm running rates for all zones have stayed very close..)

  2. Maybe you are just capping those areas out on speed already.

  3. If i had not run those areas at 2 to 3 times the speed as both poliir and warlock, I would agree.

  4. Well, thats a bummer. Not much I can say without playing a monk(which wont happen due to the practice cost of changing). Lend me your char :P

  5. Can I beg the Imm staff to extend the deadline one more month?:P

  6. How does the proportional boost of spite-forged halx interact with boss-type NPC hitpoints (summoned beast, vl'lak invaders)?

  7. I hope this is the right place to post a suggestion. Seems like this website gets more attention than Nodeka411 these days.

    Class changing appears to be a big topic with many people these days. Especially the cost of class changing and its accompanying prohibitions. Class/race changing always seemed unbalanced to me, as people with more money/bigger characters have access to it, whilst smaller characters can't really get in on switching over their characters for a long time. So, why not just make the playing field even and give everyone some kind of token they can use to class change and race change once a year? It could be something non-transferable you receive once every 365 days, and perhaps you could even stack them, so after two years you could change twice, if you haven't done so yet.

    So, when you start a character, one year (or 9 months or 6 months, whatever the interval is) from that point, you are granted two tokens, one for race changing and one for class changing. You could keep the plat/exp cost as well, maybe even raising the plat costs dramatically, but remove the stones cost and the loss of practices. That way, a person who changes classes would have to stick with it for a long period before making a switch, regardless of how many plats/stones they can pump into their character, but won't lose practices for making the switch.

    Anyways, just a thought, sorry about the long comment!

  8. It is always possible (even likely) that we might reintroduce a free penaltyless class change on special occasions.

    For right now, however, we're sticking with the current system. Keep in mind that class changing is by no means impossible; it's simply much more expensive for powerful representatives of a class (with tons of pracs invested).

    Years ago, the 25,000 platinum cost for a major adaptation was a huge limiting factor. Nowadays, not so much. As time passes and the playerbase grows, platinum becomes easier to acquire. =)

  9. i remember the days when class/race changing was impossible :(
    anyway, i think the penalty is fair but i'd still like to see some balance in some of the liche lord for example...sustain at 100% is just ridiculous imo...maybe sustain should be capped at 50k hps or something like that (like paladin "full" heal)...just my 2 cents :P

