Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pleased to meet you

Welcome to the Sixth Sense! This blog will serve as a point through which Nodeka's players can access the latest news, ideas, and upcoming developments regarding the Nodekian realm. This blog is run by Whim (responsible for world/system design and artificial intelligence).

Having a spot through which I can keep you all updated on ongoing developments and foster further Nodeka-related discussion should benefit us all, players and developers alike. I'll talk a little bit more about our plans for this blog in upcoming weeks, as the wheels are set into motion. Once again, welcome to the Sixth Sense, and thanks for being a part of the world of Nodeka!


  1. I think this is a wonderful iea Whim. Thanks for keeping us all in mind on the upcoming updates. BTW: Necro's need Sixth Sense!! :) Figured it went this the blog and all. Good Day!


  2. Thanks, Lucifer. =) Sure, I intend for this blog to become a bit of a roundtable in terms of feedback, comments, and ideas.

    As of right now, my opinion is that I rather like the fact that necromancers don't have sixth sense. Distinction between classes is a good thing (some casters don't have spy, some don't have sixth sense, etc.), and necros in particular are a very flavorful class to me. Keep in mind that any class's weakness or lack can also be seen as potential for the class to excel in other areas. I've got future ideas on the design board for every class out there, and our bleeding demon-loving buddies are no exception. =)

  3. Thanks Whim. I am looking forward to being able to provide my input and get real responces from both players and the staff.

    I will be waiting in particular for a discussion about monks to be opened.

