Friday, November 12, 2010

Game update: 11/12

Some bugfixes and tweaks in this morning's update.

The pvp reward system is now more sophisticated in player comparison and merit rewards:

I've spent the past couple of weeks monitoring the pvp reward system and its scoring, as well as taking in all of the feedback I've received from various players. While doing so, I've implemented various improvements to the invisible merit system, making it much better at gauging the "difficulty" of a player fight. I will continue to monitor and improve the pvp system over time; while much of this work will be invisible to you (since merit gains are intentionally hidden), rest assured that the system will continue to improve and that I will be working on developing Nodeka in both the player-combat area (via rewards and pvp-based advancement) and the non-player combat area (via events and areas).

Reduced the chance of gaining off-class pools via pvp rewards:

Players now have a lower chance of gaining pools which their class does not normally gain, when granted a +pool pvp reward. I will not completely remove the chance of these gains for several reasons (the importance of pools versus abilities such as evasion, balance issues with certain classes gaining hp from pvp twice as fast as others, etc.), but this should make the distribution a little less scattered for those classes.

Fixed a pool display bug in pvp rewards:

Just a small bugfix, addressing an issue reported by both Jilpora and Thraka. Whenever a class would be granted (via pvp rewards) a pool that their class doesn't normally gain, there is a chance that a limited number of re-rolls may occur to redetermine which stat is gained. (This re-roll system's probability distribution is what I tweaked in the previously mentioned bullet point.) When these re-rolls occurred under certain circumstances, the player sometimes was granted improvement in one pool while the reward message indicated a different pool. (For example, a player might gain +20 to their endurance, but the reward message might say "## You have gained a pvp reward: +20 to your spirit!".) I've fixed this display issue up; my apologies for the confusion - rest assured, you were gaining pool rewards, even if the message was lying to you. =)


  1. Aw, no bugfix reward? :0 just kidding, glad to see it was fixed and that i got the +20 just not in spirit.

    I'm looking forward to new non-player-combat-related updates, though! Keep us posted, and keep up the good work! And, I, as well as I'm sure many others, would be glad to playtest anything that's in the works.


  2. Will players ever get the option to choose which statistical gain they receive, via success in pvp combat?

  3. Question for Featured Questions:

    Are you happy with the current state of gem acquisition? I have to tell you it's pretty frustrating to get 2 transforms the majority of the time when I hand in 50 fragments. I have almost two explorers full of the stupid things, I just throw them into random stuff I craft for techs for the 4 rp.

    Are transforms actually valued more highly than boosters when determining what you get from turning in fragments?

  4. the + doesn't show up for haste in the class listing

  5. Scar-fish is love you!

  6. How much willpower would I need to have for devil's siphon to hit 49,999 damage. Thanks. Also, are followers bound to the 1500 stat cap? Are there any unholy-damage-amplifying affects?

  7. What do you think about extending the 75 days to 90 days on crafts?

  8. Suppose player X is being attacked by players P and Q, with player Q flanking. what do you think about allowing the natural racial Attack Types of X pwns Q's face? With pwn Q's face meaning, do something.

    Also any parimutual centaur racing gambling systems on the drawing board?

  9. A marble statue says, 'Let's see what you have...'

    A marble statue says, 'I'll give you 200,000 gold for that.'
    You give a marble statue (1) < tools > a wooden frame 2.

  10. invasion over, yet followerS still in pit

  11. Counting pools and stats seems to be an underestimate of a char's stature. I think the player rank on the score sheet ought to be adjusted in such a way that it reflects PK-prowess. I think PK should be an option,for ALL respective players involved in a pvp-battle. While it is already so in some instances, it is also something that those who choose to not want to battle their fellow gamers, it makes for a rather unenjoyable experience. Thanks, this is all.

  12. On average 20-25% of the MUDs population is Barb. What makes it so appealing?

  13. Will more details to the armor class helpfile be added in the future. Thanks.

  14. Where is the line drawn between 'gaming/abusing the system' and letting one's char be killed so that another can benefit? For instance, say someone is a few rps from a sunstone and they ask you to die for their rp gain, is this considered gaming the system?

  15. What's this command about: reattune ? Thanks

  16. Is every craft with at least two stats balance-able? Is every craft with only hit and dam, balanceable? Say I use 10 gems of the 4rp quality and say I used 5 gems of the 8rp quality on two separate crafts, base materials being equal. You had mentioned that each gem has the potential to improve a craft in some way. Is this potential accumulative? And if so, would the 5 'big' gem maximal potential be greater than the 10 'small' gems' ?

  17. Is the potential for receiving TWO 8rp quality gems the same at a 50 frags hand in as a 40 or 45 frags' ?

  18. Will more mobs be flagged in favor of tame-friendliness in the future?

  19. In what way does quickness favor a player being flanked, in terms of round-wise damage dealt by the flanker?

  20. Is the rp cap on Artistry focused crafts 40?

  21. With regards to invasions, which by the way are absolutely wonderful since Invasion 1.0, questions: Someone recently ask "accolades mean I have the chance at better rewards, right?" How is the faction reward computed? What determines if I get faction under the heroism rune?

  22. Also about invasions, if I get a heroism rune and my mob is half-ogre or hunchback, if I kill ogre lords do I get as much or slightly more reward? Thanks :D

  23. WHIM you are teh-wonderful. Thanks you, this is all XOxoXOxo !^_^!~

  24. omg anonymous u talk too much!

  25. Rumor has it we're getting one million plat present for x-mas, will you confirm or not not confirm this?

  26. For visit + xt "Empowered: visit a groupmate in a no-portal room." what is the span[definition] of 'groupmate' ?

  27. Minor bug I have noticed in invasions. On a rare occasion (happened to me twice recently), Christof will acknowledge you, wipe your answer, and leave the room without giving you a rune.

    Shaker also seems to occasionally forget to give you a 1 min and rune out warning (I cap them all so I don't miss them). May be that he gets busy or is sending someone to warlocks, don't know, but you might want to speed up his warlocks speech to make sure. I've had him fail to give either in a single rune.

  28. Dunno if nojs are flagged funny or if it is just that my pools are so skewed, but even after the pool correction, I still receive +mana for pvp rewards 2 to 1 over all other pools combined.

  29. To follow up on what Magrath said, has there been a change to the way gems are given out for turning in 50 jewel frags? 10 months or so ago, turning in 50 frags almost guaranteed one big gem. It was very rare to not get one. On occassion, you wouldn't, but sometimes you would get lucky and get 2. Usually you didn't even get converter gems or only got one. Now the usual return is 2 converters and 1 common or uncommon. I only get a rare/big gem about 20% of the time now, maybe less. Even getting 2 non-converter gems is quite rare these days. It's to the point that it is difficult to even get the uncommon gems. I have also noticed a drop off in the number of gems from salvage.

    I can understand that maybe the previous rates flooded the market a little bit too much, but the current rates have done the exact opposite. Turning in 50 frags should return a big gem at least 50% of the time since that is the only way to get them and it should be guaranteed to return at least 2 non-converter gems or have a much higher potential to do so than it does now.

    Currently, there is no market for gems because nobody has any to spare.

  30. More time on the warlocks event in the invasion would be nice :D

  31. Which stats or other stuff affects the damage decaying touch deals? I thought I read a while ago learn curve did, but I don't see it in the helpfile. Looking for clarification, thanks :)

  32. To The Forces: That thing witches do that cause anitcasting antiinvoking and that thing Archimages do that causes !skill or !spell ought to receive the same benefit of reduction as the immunities on Jakaen. 50% tops allowance! Just like the reduction on Jadior of Light cel ray too. Regards, desiring for consistency. Will Jadior receive distant understanding again?

  33. If we could use say 3x of the same gem on a single craft, what would be the best result that would reap?

  34. An enhanced identify feature would be great. In addition to a born or made unique item's bonus line, it that would show the base bonus of an item as well. With additional embellishments such as %improvements data, kinda like the numerical combat damage shown for major.

  35. In what ways, if any, does the strength stat affect devil siphon's or elemental mal's damage? That is, in addition to other stuff indicated in helpfiles. Thanks.

  36. To Whim,

    You've briefly talked about expanding the nodeka economy in terms of professions.

    Do you think crafting will ever evolve into multiple professions?
    pure crafting: converts salvages into mats. No gems just trasmutes

    Gem-cutters: converts salvages into frags. With recipes to create gems of multi-tiers.

    Alchemist: converts salvages into fluid enhancers. Able to enhance bonuses, increase life-time, perhaps make them into sepulcher-cordon-like combos?

    And each character is allowed only one type of profession.
    Those who already have mastered crafting can migrate their knowledge to another profession for an equivalent level.
    (and any consecutive change in profession would need the user to start from scratch again?)

  37. At what %age, if any, does practicing dodge or parry cap in effectiveness?

  38. Does the affects of bane stack?

  39. How does mana shield affect fireball damage? Lets say the fireballer is landing 10k damage consistently. How does mana shield play out with that? Thanks.

  40. Anonymous: Mana shield would reduce that to 5k HP damage and 10k Mana damage. This assumes 100% Mana Shield, of course. Note that while Fireball counts as "multiple attacks(ie, each "hit" is calculated separately before the total is displayed to the players)" for various things(Barrier Behest, etc.), I think it's only checked once for Mana Shield(ie, if the % of Mana Shield failed, all 5 hits of the Fireball will hit for full damage). Just my hypothesis.

  41. How does profane litany and the racial magical invulnerability play off each other?

  42. I'm guessing the magical invulnerability doesn't care, and simply reduces it to "tickling(5)" Fireballs and "tickling(1)" Hellfire, unless hellfire also comes in groups of 5 mini-attacks. Reasoning: The act of casting a Fireball causes the system to check to see if caster has the "hellfire conduit" affect. If they do, system generates the Hellfire attack(essentially a "free" mini-Fireball, almost like the interaction between Stratagem of the Cloak and Critical Attack), and then the "to hit/avoid" checks kick in, and only when it's determined that a hit has occured(with either), will resistances/deflection/(in)vulnerabilities/damage be calculated. Since you're magically invulnerable, the damage is reduced to 1(per mini-attack, if applicable).

  43. 1. Hellfire is not magical, it is unholy

    2. Profane litany provides a magical vulnerability affect (which is basically the opposite of resistance) - but magical invulnerability would cancel that out and reduce any magical damage to 1.

    3. Hellfire does strange and mysterious things in terms of compressed attacks. :)

  44. Huh. So I guess that makes 3 things that bypass magical/physical resistance/invulnerability: Black Magic/Holy/Unholy?

    According to the profane litany helpfile though: "This hellfire blast is treated as an
    additional minor fireball in most ways; however, it is considered an
    unholy attack and *it bypasses ALL immunities and resistances*."

    Which would suggest that invulnerability wouldn't work against it. Ever. O_o

  45. Will there be more ciphers? and What would happen if for the invasion result was 1% damage, all out of all repair sites, AND ZERO percent on warlocks? that's 0% warlocks on say 3 assaults. Thanks.

  46. Cipher question -> Is the health spoken of in the helpfile of ogrish malison based on dynamic real-time values? or mod v mod or base v base? or some min{x,y,z} situation in favor of the cipherer? Thanks, love the inscription implementation.

  47. Several times I've typed out fully 'kill shaman rockbiter' - and I've hit a lesser mob. Could you look into this please?

  48. The last line of the demonic affirmation helpfile says: "Although these undead creatures are not, by any means, healthy, they have been known to be physically stronger than even the
    user restoring their life." <- What does this refer to?

  49. The kill command does not take multiple keywords, only target and a few skills such as shadow. So 'kill shaman rockbiter' only registers 'kill shaman'.

  50. Think putting unattuned nihilist pins on invincible angels and/or other Abyss mobs is a great idea!

  51. Fallen Deacon --> black magic of prolonging, seventh sense, necro item created weapon with black magic atks! and black magic deadite while I'm at it, thanks :D

  52. Suggestion for more evolved followers: Customize-able, self-learning follower - maker can customize the offense and or defensive types by attacking mobs of choice. Like absorption or mimic. Sounds good!

  53. For charged based attacks like siphon and rune, howz about max amount available scaling with augment growth.

  54. Is it possible to get a bot check while the game has crashed and I'm comatosed in an aggro zone, like Hades? I was once comatosed for about 15 minutes unable to connect and when I logged in a mob was agrron me. Curious, thanks.

  55. Are the fringe auras accessible via shifting? Thanks.

  56. Will there be a super unique week 2011? and will there be a 3x sunstone month 2011? Thanks.

  57. Question about this: "Update 2/7/2010: - The following commands now accept multiple arguments: 'kill', 'target', and various hunting skills. For example, you can now specifically attack a red dragon by typing 'kill red dragon'." --So if there is say a red drooper in a room I do kill red drooper, would I hit the dragon or the drooper?

  58. About the update on 7/30/10, are the rune-eq presently available to players?

  59. Tyf gave me a golem and I've been defending it for about 10 minutes, and it never did establish. Why causes this?

  60. Barbs being able to make a club would be cool - maybe an item-created weapon for all classes would be good too! Weapons for all mwahhahahaha!

  61. ^ Ranks to exclude those with the bot lag affect please <3 Love you!

  62. Regarding invasions: Several times I've seen established golems get killed yet the lookout always says "A Ruushi lookout says, 'We successfully established 8 out of 8 repair sites.'" What exactly is he counting?

  63. how is ogrish malison play and flanking considered, formula-ically?

  64. If it's established, it's established. If the golem was fighting the entire time(that is, from any point before it was able to establish until the moment it died), it doesn't count as "established".

    "Anonymous said...

    Regarding invasions: Several times I've seen established golems get killed yet the lookout always says "A Ruushi lookout says, 'We successfully established 8 out of 8 repair sites.'" What exactly is he counting?"

  65. For the most part, I like the updates to nojohr. Just want to mention a few things, though.

    In spite of your dirty dozen post (you may have decided on different directions since posting that), I sorta feel like nojohr and paladin occupy the same niche. Paladin is a bit more defensive than nojohr, but they both have the feel of group-fighter-defender to me. Cleave and decree of guilt are very similar, for example.

    So, I understand that lateral deterrence is relatively new and you must have been planning on adding it to more classes in the game. However, it used to belong only to paladin, elf, and drow. Combat choice's tactics options seems to dwarf decree of innocence, at least as far as the actual buff goes. Actual % of lat det, prevention, everything.

    I apologize, Whim. Thanks for the update... and I know that you're planning on adding a lot of things. I don't mean to look a gift horse in the mouth, as it were. Just wanted to throw in my two cents.

  66. Alpha Centaur ThrakaApril 18, 2011 at 12:14 PM

    is there code written where when a barb uses ruan awareness, they get a bot check within 2 minutes? :)
