Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Featured Questions #6

It's that time again... so let's jump into another installment of player-submitted Featured Questions! I'm always happy to chat and hear your questions and concerns regarding Nodeka; you can submit any Nodeka-related questions you may have as a comment on this blog or via e-mail, and I will select a number of them every other Tuesday to answer in this column.

Featured Questions #6:

Why is the affect you get when you fail a trade with Gerahf so long (4 days)? Seems like a severe punishment for making a typo.
Is the spit affect for Gerahf being angry with you made invisible once you acquire a smile affect? That is to say, you have the spit affect, he smiles on you, and the spit affect is visibly replaced with the smile affect, but he still holds you in scorn due to ripping him off, and refuses to accept offers that were acceptable pre-spit affect? If this is the case, would it be possible to clear the spit affect once you get the smile affect so you can obtain the full benefit of the smile, or make the affect not disappear?

Gerahf's favor is on a sliding scale. Every time you anger him with a poor trade offer, his opinion of you slips down a little bit. Every time you please him with a particularly good trade (i.e., not just any successful trade but one in which he smiles at you), his opinion of you increases a little bit. "Spit effects" and "smile effects" are not actually differentiated; there's just one sliding scale based on the sum of your positive/negative interactions with him. If you're at the undesirable end of the scale, the effect's duration is reduced a bit.

In invasions, if you hit something smaller than you and don't kill it before you get jailed, when you come out of jail, it hunts you down and hits you and sends you right back (unless someone else kills it). This can result in a cycle of permanent jailing. Can it be fixed to clear the player from the mobs agg list if the player is jailed for hitting the mob and the mob is too small?

Thanks for reminding me. I think there might be a clever way to address this; adding it to my to-do list. =)

...I noticed (or hope) that 'help resistances' is out of date. Reason being it says there that for any given attack only -one- resistance can proc, with the logic being that all resistances provide equal damage reduction. Seeing as this is no longer the case - do resistances work differently now?
Multi-part question, but really just looking for an entire chart as an answer:
1. What is the % damage gain for a vulnerability?
2. What are the % damage cuts for the following resistances: magic, mental, holy, physical?

Currently, some resistances are more effective than others. They work along these lines:
1. All applicable resist percentages are attempted. Of the successes, only the most effective successful resist is applied.
2. Vulnerabilities work the same way; only the most 'painful' successful vulnerability is applied.

All resistances reduce damage by 20%, except for the elemental resists which reduce damage by 50%. These resists are considered elemental resists: fire, frost, lightning, earth, elemental.

All vulnerabilities increase damage by 20%.

Thus, if Serenity has 70% lightning resistance and 50% physical resistance, and is hit by a lightning bolt (which is physical + magical + lightning):
1. If the lightning resist check is successful, Serenity takes 50% less damage.
2. If the lightning check fails, but the physical check is successful, she takes 20% less damage.
3. If both checks fail, she takes full damage.

Statistically speaking...
70% chance: takes 50% damage
15% chance: takes 80% damage
15% chance: takes 100% damage

An attack can be both reduced (via resistance) and increased (via vulnerability) simultaneously.

For empowered aspect - aura: jta rank 1, what's the rank number mean? What's the highest rank attainable? Do they grow naturally?

That rank is the power level of the aura; this power level is determined by the number of times the player has inscribed that aura. For example:

- Iblis has no inscriptions. When he successfully empowers an 'xt' aura, it will be of rank 1.

- Alala has four inscriptions -- [ armor: loj ], [ lightning: sji ], [ visit: xt ], and [ extrinsic elucidation: xt ]. When she successfully empowers an 'xt' aura, its rank will be boosted by 1 for every 'xt' inscription she possesses (thus, her aura will be of rank 3).

Higher-ranked auras are more durable, and they provide a greater combat bonus as well. In addition, many inscriptions base their effectiveness in part on the rank of the triggering aura (these are clearly marked as such in the online inscription list helpfiles).

I've always felt that sun stones played a crucial role in character development and even more so now with everyone needing to augment to progress. Any plans on implementing more ways to acquire these?

Yup, definitely! I feel that sun stones should be (in general) a PvP-oriented reward, with questing as a secondary source. There are plans. =)

How is the precedence of altered attack types determined? E.g. I'm a ru wulniothe fallad and have 100% spiritual attacks with creed of the gods volition, and 64% frost attacks from race, do I ever get any frost-based attacks? What if my spiritual attacks were under 100%?

Right now, halwen/spiritual/black magic are checked sequentially before the elemental attacks. Thus, while your 100% spiritual attack effect is active, you will never see a frost attack (you can verify this by expanding your combat output, since "altered" attacks have their text visibly altered).

I'd like to lodge a complaint about the koj spiritualist immoral trial. I ran around the arena for 15-20 minutes today without one spawning. >:|

Agreed. I think the Trials' concept is sound, but there's soooo much more I can do with them given the advances in AI tech that Nodeka has made since their implementation. The current set of trials on each side is pretty arbitrary and not necessarily superbly balanced (I still remember the two nights I spent drawing them up and trimming them down, in a rush to get this cool new feature out the door.) Expect a redesign. =)

What are you [working on] now? Any improvements for (my_class)?

My active work right now is split between the new Fields of Guidance, a new monk skill, a new sorcerer spell, and helping to prep some new areas for you folks that other builders are working on. =)


  1. Areas.. plural.. nice, but are they as so much time is being spent on the noobie experience mortal areas and if not will they be comparable with White Lion, Paragon and Kazbek? Or even better than them... bigger would be nicer so they can support more chars.

  2. As you are putting so much time into the Fields and Mejath, will there be a major campaign to recruit new players, if so can you shed some light on what kind of campaign, and if not say where you think new players will be coming from to enjoy the Fields?

  3. Go figure a botter would want bigger/better botting areas.. How bout another area like Pains.. Or two pains, cept the second one is much harder and multiple people can enter with the sajha affect.. They only get 2 salvage/reward each, but its a much higher chance of big gems, or some new eq with runes etc.. Or they chose to do the old Sajha pain solo..

    Or areas like the Warlocks with the messed up directions. Any way to make that constantly change? Thus making it harder to just map out one day and script for the next year.

    I'd like to see more areas/zones that promote being at the keys, and or grouping to decent rewards.

    I hope not see any more botter havens like Kaz, wlc and paragon. Use some of this new AI and create zones where you get a rune before entering and the mob strengths are based on the rune you have.. And only you or another person with the same rune can attack them.. Or group zones with aggros or room damage. Add some danger and risk of dying. Even if you give them immortal affect upon entering, have it so they can still lose stat points or faction..

    Maybe an Area to run where you need to offer up faction to get in?

  4. With renown.. You get 500 free for botting/playing outside of safe. If you make an effort to get more renown by PK'ing. First off, there is really no point in going for renown until you get your free 500.. But once you go beyond the 500.. A single death takes ALL of your renown.. Why not only a portion? Why risk upsetting people by killing them to lose say the 800-900 renown you have, and only able to run for 30mins say, before they kill you, or someone else does since you are now a renown target.. I'd rather sit with my 500 and not have anyone after me..

  5. Dreslin:

    If elemental resistance is 50, and other normal types reduce 20, where does this land supreme resistance and it is both elemental and non-elemental resistance?

  6. Supreme resistance is all resistances put into 1 affect ( AFAIK ), so if you have 100% supreme resists and get hit by lightning- only the lightning resist will trigger as 50% reduction.

    If you have 100% supreme resistance and you get hit with a physical attack, 20% will be resisted.

    However if you have 80% supreme it should act like having 80% lightning resist and 80% phys resist active.

    So at 80% it would be possible for the lightning check to fail and the physical to pass.

  7. Will Practicing impairments above 100% increase the chances for target to fail "impairment break" checks? and does the ninja's hakanai shouten perfect stun denies any "impairment break" check?

  8. Re: renown, you can die to people who are not worthy of gaining your renown, yet you still lose your sum of renown. Case in point: dying to clannies. Wtf? :P

  9. Not quite on topic, but an easy to answer question:

    Does the Silver Elf racial healing boost stack with Dajain Healer 'Augmented Divine Healing'?

  10. @Izzral: Not really. With a high enough Con from the target, the perfect stun still allows attacks through. :/

  11. Dreslin:

    Here's a technical question. I was randomly looking at different skills and noticed warp reality and how it can be used 'through' such things as temple touch. If the person is suffering lag while crippled, etc., then how abilities like warp reality go 'through it' ?

  12. Dreslin- if an ability can be used while impaired that just means baring lag you can use an ability.

    So if you are crippled and not lagged, you can use warp reality-- make sense?
