The latest update is pretty self-explanatory. =) Speed, at least at high values, is now tied somewhat to dexterity - if you're superloaded on speed but completely skimping on dexterity, you'll start to notice the attack degradation. Only speed-based attacks beyond your dexterity-based "steady attack" cap are affected - having more speed is never a liability. The benefit simply scales down if your dexterity is too far behind.
At the current numbers, the change should be mild for anyone who isn't on the crazy side of imbalanced (say, rocking 1000 speed while augmenting their dexterity down to 200). In addition, the renown additions will provide a constant 5% boost to your incoming xp and gold from now on once you've accumulated renown up to the base of 500. (Assuming, of course, that you don't get pkilled!)
Questions are welcome, as always. It's a super busy time for me - back to work!